Gorkha United Public School | Chairman Message

Keshar Bahadur Ale

Message from the Founder Chairman

GUPS is situated in the iconic scenery of pollution-free Kohalpur Municipality-2, Aananda Nagar, Banke. It was established in 2057 BS, and founded by the Ex. British Gurkhas is being run by experienced professional faculties, and well managed by experienced administrative staff. The school is further guided by eminent Educationists with No Objection Certificate from the central government authority for starting Kindergarten to Bachelor level in Agriculture. Despite all, in the initiation of providing quality education, preserving our culture, efforts for nature and promoting togetherness, the team of GUPS is in fact, highly passionate about our joint mission and strives to be models of the principles and practices to make our customers happier with the tune of higher customers satisfaction.


Indeed, it could be a beautiful dream of childhood, the existence of peace, goodwill, lovingness and a friendly atmosphere. Aiming to bring out unspoken undercurrents of children’s feelings which could even relate to repressed likes and dislikes. This is what GUPS is all about. One of the longest-serving employees, the Principal Mrs. Sadhana Thapa has been enormously enjoying her responsibility and feels proud of working with the Board of Directorates (BoD), co-workers, parents and students at all times. Since the child’s education and well-being are the last things, a parent will compromise on, we maintain discipline, a very low student-teacher ratio, involve parents, provide ICT/IT with WIFI and; smart board teaching resources from the juniors to seniors and also reward scholarships for the meritorious and needy pupils.


The school curriculum includes regular medical care, picnics, nature walks and educational visits, sports, Marshal Arts, Yoga, Art and Craft, Dramatics and Debates along with regular school programmes. The school incidentally, has the highest success rate on merit of students seeking admission at all levels. Similarly, we encourage creativity, stimulate curiosity, inspire leading habits, promote good morals, instil a love for learning, develop learning skills, create confidence and success, and inculcate good manners; as a result, our children enjoy solving problems, develop logical thinking powers are inspired to read good books, develop a sense of responsibility, enjoy colouring, storytelling and recitation.


Moreover, the school has a spacious premise with a beautiful child-oriented environment where the children are taken great care of and are encouraged to learn, play and experience. Also, we stress developing social, emotional and; of course, intellectual capabilities. More importantly, special remedial classes are also arranged for slow learners, regardless of resource, literally electrifying the image of what the school is doing.


Furthermore, reflecting on the notable achievement based on our mission and motto challenges us intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Therefore, the practice of leadership requires the highest level of capacity to keep asking basic questions of yourself and the people in your organisation and community. Undoubtedly, both uplifting and practical, the strategical standards of procedural requirements enable each of us to lead courageously and confidently without losing the fundamental expectations ourselves.


Besides, the BoD had consequentially launched the Five-Year (2079-2084) project development plan to provide the latest upgraded technology, installation of air conditions and; other developed teaching and learning resources. In addition to this, the school management will also be working carefully to motivate all employees for the holistic development of the entire organisation. Last but not least, I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to all those who are involved directly or indirectly for making our mission a great success without whom it would not have been possible. Of course, your unrelenting endeavour and support will be highly appreciated.


Keshar Bahadur Ale Magar



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